2008-10-19: I use PyX instead of Metapost. It’s based on Python so the syntax is clear and straightforward, and is easily used from Sage (install with sage -python setup.py install
from the PyX source directory).
Introduction Link to heading
My favourite package for drawing diagrams is MetaPost. Here’s an example, taken from my PhD thesis:

The best page for examples is the one by (La)TeX Navigator.
Compiling with LaTeX fonts Link to heading
Normally MetaPost uses TeX to compile but it is nicer to have access to LaTeX fonts/symbols/etc. To do this put the following at the top of your MetaPost file:
Then set the TEX environment variable and compile. For example, in
Bash, you could do:
$ export TEX=latex && mpost case1.mp
My examples Link to heading
Here are all the MetaPost diagrams from my PhD thesis. There are a few duplicates and some dodgy code, I make no claim of being an expert in MetaPost.
All files in a compressed tar archive
Metapost to PDF Link to heading
A few of my Metapost files use the following TEX function (copied from here):
vardef TEX primary s =
write "verbatimtex" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "documentclass[12pt]{article}" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "usepackage[T1]{fontenc}" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "begin{document}" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "etex" to "mptextmp.mp";
write "btex "&s&" etex" to "mptextmp.mp";
write EOF to "mptextmp.mp";
scantokens "input mptextmp"
The command mptopdf
seems to have trouble with the temporary file mptextmp.mp
. In particular I got this error when doing mptopdf bug.mp
This is MetaPost, Version 0.901 (Web2C 7.5.5)
(bug.mp (mptextmp.mp
>> mptextmp.mp
>> mptextmp.mpx
! Unable to make mpx file.
l.5 btex
1 etex
Transcript written on bug.log.
error in metapost run : bug.mp:5
total run time : 0 seconds
MPtoPDF 1.3 : error while processing mp file
On the other hand, this seems to work:
mpost bug.mp
mptopdf bug.1
I’m not sure why this is the case – is this a bug or just undocumented behaviour?
Other stuff Link to heading
MetaFun looks good.