I use an Asus EEE PC 1000H as a home file server. After being on 24/7 for a while the fan started getting noisy, so I ordered a replacement from 91deals on eBay. The fan was listed as “Asus Eee PC 1000 1000HA 1000HE CPU Fan BSB04505HA”.

Opening up the 1000H was a bit tricky due to some hidden clips, but this guide for the 1000HA had all the details.
Archived Comments
Date: 2011-10-23 10:01:14 UTC
Author: chiappa
thanks for this!
Date: 2012-03-18 20:35:21 UTC
Author: John
Hi, I have an asus eee 1000h as well, bought in the UK, do you know if there is any way to check exactely what fan I have withouth taking my netbook apart? I only have this netbook, the fan is getting noisy, and on ebay it seems to have about 4 different types listed for the 1000h. Any ideas? Thanks!
Date: 2012-03-18 20:51:29 UTC
Author: carlo
When I ordered my fan back in 2011 I only found one option for the 1000H on ebay.com.au, so I went with that.
I guess try some forums, or take a punt with a randomly chosen fan on eBay. At least they aren’t too expensive (around 5GBP?).