-- Easiest way to run this with ghci:
-- ghci -XDataKinds -XGADTs -XEmptyDataDecls -XKindSignatures -XScopedTypeVariables -XTemplateHaskell
-- Natural numbers, e.g.
-- 0 == Z
-- 1 == S Z
-- 2 == S (S Z)
-- 3 == S (S (S Z))
-- etc
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- My GADT with two constructors. One would normally
-- write
-- data T n = T0 ... | Tm ...
-- but here we want to specify the *types* of the constructors.
data T n where
T0 :: T Z
Tm :: T n -> T (S n)
-- Calculate the 'n' component, recursing on the definition of Tm.
depth :: T n -> Int
depth T0 = 0
depth (Tm a) = 1 + (depth a)
-- Takes two parameters of type T n, so they must be
-- of the same depth.
twoOfSameDepth :: T n -> T n -> Int
twoOfSameDepth x _ = depth x
-- Takes two parameters T n and T m, and enforces
-- that S n ~ m, in other words the second parameter
-- is one plus the first parameter.
secondIsPlusOne :: forall n m. (S n ~ m) => T n -> T m -> Bool
secondIsPlusOne _ _ = True
Check the depth of the structure:
*Main> depth T0
*Main> depth (Tm T0)
*Main> depth (Tm (Tm (Tm (Tm T0))))
The function twoOfSameDepth expects both parameters to be of the same depth. If not, you get a type error.
*Main> :t twoOfSameDepth T0 T0
twoOfSameDepth T0 T0 :: Int
*Main> :t twoOfSameDepth T0 (Tm T0)
Couldn't match expected type `'Z' with actual type `S n0'
Expected type: T 'Z
Actual type: T (S n0)
In the return type of a call of `Tm'
In the second argument of `twoOfSameDepth', namely `(Tm T0)'
The function secondIsPlusOne expects the second parameter to be of depth one more than the first parameter:
*Main> :t secondIsPlusOne T0 (Tm T0)
secondIsPlusOne T0 (Tm T0) :: Bool
*Main> :t secondIsPlusOne T0 (Tm (Tm T0))
Couldn't match expected type `'Z' with actual type `S n0'
Expected type: T 'Z
Actual type: T (S n0)
In the return type of a call of `Tm'
In the first argument of `Tm', namely `(Tm T0)'
In Matt’s LambdaJam talk/jam you can see how this idea can be used to help with implementing a b-tree data structure.