This example has bitrotted – see the Bokeh slider instead.
My partner Nadiah has developed an eco-evolutionary model describing the response of a migratory bird’s arrival time and prelaying period to climate change. The Octave code is here:
The final plots look like this:
A natural question is: how does the shape of the arrival time change as the main model parameter is varied? A nice way to visualise this is using ipywidgets and nbviewer. Here is an ipython notebook with a slider for the main model parameter:
Getting this to work was surprisingly straightforward. In short:
Make a notebook using ipython. I used oct2py to call the Octave code from Python.
Install nbviewer on a publicly accessible host.
Run nbviewer like so:
cd $HOME/nbviewer # this is the nbviewer repository from github python -m nbviewer --debug --no-cache --localfiles=$HOME/phenology-two-trait-migratory-bird
This runs the server on port 5000. You could run it in a screen or tmux session, or use supervisord or angel to keep the process alive.
Point nginx to the nbviewer proces:
# /etc/nginx/sites-available/ server { listen 80; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/; location / { proxy_pass; # Reverse proxy to nbviewer } }
The notebook doesn’t appear on nbviewer’s front page, so just naviate to a URL of the form
to see the notebook foo.ipynb.