This post has a minimal stand-alone example of the classy lenses and prisms from George Wilson’s talk about mtl. The source code for George’s talk is here:
Literate Haskell source for this post is here:
First, some imports:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Classy where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Text
Toy program - uses the network and a database Link to heading
The case study in George’s talk was a program that has to interact with a database and the network. We have a type for the database connection info:
type DbConnection = Text
type DbSchema = Text
data DbConfig = DbConfig
{ _dbConn :: DbConnection
, _schema :: DbSchema
For the network we have a port and some kind of SSL setting:
type Port = Integer
type Ssl = Text
data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
{ _port :: Port
, _ssl :: Ssl
At the top level, our application has a database and a network configuration:
data AppConfig = AppConfig
{ _appDbConfig :: DbConfig
, _appNetConfig :: NetworkConfig
Types for errors that we see when dealing with the database and the network:
data DbError = QueryError Text | InvalidConnection
data NetworkError = Timeout Int | ServerOnFire
data AppError = AppDbError { dbError :: DbError }
| AppNetError { netError :: NetworkError }
Classy lenses and prisms Link to heading
Use Template Haskell to make all of the classy lenses and prisms. Documentation for makeClassy
and makeClassyPrisms
is in Control.Lens.TH.
makeClassy ''DbConfig
makeClassy ''NetworkConfig
makeClassy ''AppConfig
makeClassyPrisms ''DbError
makeClassyPrisms ''NetworkError
makeClassyPrisms ''AppError
We get the following typeclasses:
For example, here is the generated class HasDbConfig
*Classy> :i HasDbConfig
class HasDbConfig c_a6IY where
dbConfig :: Functor f => (DbConfig -> f DbConfig) -> c0 -> f c0
dbConn :: Functor f => (DbConnection -> f DbConnection) -> c0 -> f c0
schema :: Functor f => (DbSchema -> f DbSchema) -> c0 -> f c0
instance HasDbConfig DbConfig -- Defined at Classy.lhs:58:3
If we write HasDbConfig r
in the class constraints of a type signature then
we can use the lenses dbConfig
, dbConn
, and schema
to get the entire config, connection string, and schema,
from something of type r
In contrast, the constraint AsNetworkError r
means that we can
use the prisms _NetworkError
, _Timeout
, and _ServerOnFire
on a value of type r
to get at the network error details.
*Classy> :i AsNetworkError
class AsNetworkError r_a759 where
_NetworkError ::
(Choice p, Control.Applicative.Applicative f) =>
p NetworkError (f NetworkError) -> p r0 (f r0)
_Timeout ::
(Choice p, Control.Applicative.Applicative f) =>
p Int (f Int) -> p r0 (f r0)
_ServerOnFire ::
(Choice p, Control.Applicative.Applicative f) =>
p () (f ()) -> p r0 (f r0)
-- Defined at Classy.lhs:63:3
instance AsNetworkError NetworkError -- Defined at Classy.lhs:63:3
Using the class constraints Link to heading
The first function is loadFromDb
which uses a reader environment for database
configuration, can throw a database error, and do IO actions.
loadFromDb :: ( MonadError e m,
MonadReader r m,
AsDbError e,
HasDbConfig r,
MonadIO m) => m Text
loadFromDb = do
-- Due to "MonadReader r m" and "HasDbConfig r"
-- we can ask for the database config:
rdr <- ask
let dbconf = rdr ^. dbConfig :: DbConfig
-- We can ask for the connection string directly:
let connstr = rdr ^. dbConn :: DbConnection
-- We have "AsDbError e", so we can throw a DB error:
throwError $ (_InvalidConnection #) ()
throwError $ (_QueryError #) "Bad SQL!"
return "foo"
Another function, sendOverNet
uses a reader environment with a network config,
throws network errors, and does IO actions.
sendOverNet :: ( MonadError e m,
MonadReader r m,
AsNetworkError e,
AsAppError e,
HasNetworkConfig r,
MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
sendOverNet mydata = do
-- We have "MonadReader r m" and "HasNetworkConfig r"
-- so we can ask about the network config:
rdr <- ask
let netconf = rdr ^. networkConfig :: NetworkConfig
p = rdr ^. port :: Port
s = rdr ^. ssl :: Ssl
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Pretending to connect to the network..."
-- We have "AsNetworkError e" so we can throw a network error:
throwError $ (_NetworkError #) (Timeout 100)
-- We have "AsAppError e" so we can throw an application-level error:
throwError $ (_AppNetError #) (Timeout 100)
return ()
If we load from the database and also send over the network then we get extra class constraints:
loadAndSend :: ( AsAppError e,
AsNetworkError e,
AsDbError e,
HasNetworkConfig r,
HasDbConfig r,
MonadReader r m,
MonadError e m,
MonadIO m) => m ()
loadAndSend = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Loading from the database..."
t <- loadFromDb
liftIO $ putStrLn "Sending to the network..."
sendOverNet t
Things that won’t compile Link to heading
We can’t throw the database error InvalidConnection
without the right class constraint:
nope1 :: (MonadError e m, AsNetworkError e) => m ()
nope1 = throwError $ (_InvalidConnection #) ()
Could not deduce (AsDbError e)
arising from a use of ‘_InvalidConnection’
We can’t throw an application error if we are only allowed to throw network errors, even though this specific application error is a network error:
nope2 :: (MonadError e m, AsNetworkError e) => m ()
nope2 = throwError $ (_AppNetError #) (Timeout 100)
Could not deduce (AsAppError e)
arising from a use of ‘_AppNetError’
We can’t get the network config from a value of type r
if we only have
the constraint about having the database config:
nope3 :: (MonadReader r m, HasDbConfig r) => m ()
nope3 = do
rdr <- ask
let netconf = rdr ^. networkConfig
return ()
Could not deduce (HasNetworkConfig r)
arising from a use of ‘networkConfig’
What is the #? Link to heading
The #
is an infix alias for review. More details are in Control.Lens.Review.
*Classy> :t review _InvalidConnection ()
review _InvalidConnection () :: AsDbError e => e
*Classy> :t throwError $ review _InvalidConnection ()
throwError $ review _InvalidConnection () :: (AsDbError e, MonadError e m) => m a
What is the monad transformer stack? Link to heading
We didn’t specify it! The functions loadFromDb
and sendOverNet
have the general monad m
in their type signatures, not a specific transformer stack like ReaderT AppConfig (ExceptT AppError IO) a
What else? Link to heading
Ben Kolera did a
talk at BFPG about stacking monad transformers.
He later modified the code from his talk to use the
classy lens/prism approach. You can see the code before
and after, and also see a diff. As far as I could see
there is one spot in the code where an error is thrown, which motivated me to create the stand-alone example in this post with the body for loadFromDb
and sendOverNet
sketched out.