Here is a small Haskell package for pushing files to Amazon Glacier: It uses Brendan Hay’s amazonka API, in particular amazonka-glacier.

One thing that I couldn’t find in amazonka was a way to calculate the tree hash of a file. The Glacier API needs this for each part that is uploaded as well as the whole file. Amazon explains how to calculate the tree hash in their Glacier docs and provides sample code in Java and C++. Since the algorithm is recursive, it is quite short in Haskell:

oneMb :: Int64
oneMb = 1024*1024

treeHash :: BS.ByteString -> Hash
treeHash s = treeHash' $ map sha256 $ oneMbChunks s
    treeHash' []  = error "Internal error in treeHash'."
    treeHash' [x] = B16.encode x
    treeHash' xs  = treeHash' $ next xs

    next :: [BS.ByteString] -> [BS.ByteString]
    next []       = []
    next [a]      = [a]
    next (a:b:xs) = sha256 (BS.append a b) : next xs

    oneMbChunks :: BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
    oneMbChunks x
      | BS.length x <= oneMb = [x]
      | otherwise            = BS.take oneMb x : oneMbChunks (BS.drop oneMb x)

    sha256 :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
    sha256 = cs . SHA256.hashlazy

To push a large file to Glacier we do three things: initiate the multipart upload, upload each part (say, 100Mb chunks), and then finalize the upload.

Initiate the multipart upload Link to heading

We do this to get an uploadId which is then used for each of the multipart uploads. We use initiateMultipartUpload, and need to set the part size.

    initiateMulti env vault _partSize = send' env mpu
        mpu = initiateMultipartUpload accountId vault
                & imuPartSize .~ (Just $ cs $ show _partSize)

Upload the parts Link to heading

With the response from initiating the multipart upload (the mu parameter in uploadOnePart) we can push a single part using uploadMultipartPart. Here we have to also set the checksum and content range:

    uploadOnePart env vault mu p = do
        let Part{..} = p

        body <- toHashed <$> getPart _path (_partStart, _partEnd)

        uploadId <- case mu ^. imursUploadId of
                        Nothing     -> throw MissingUploadID
                        Just uid    -> return uid

        let ump = uploadMultipartPart accountId vault uploadId body
                    & umpChecksum .~ (Just $ cs $ p ^. partHash)
                    & umpRange    .~ Just cr

        send' env ump


        contentRange :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Text
        contentRange x y = "bytes " `append` cs (show x) `append` accountId `append` cs (show y) `append` "/*"

Complete the multipart upload Link to heading

Completing the multipart upload lets Glacier know that it should start its job of assembling all the parts into a full archive. We have to set the archive size and the tree hash of the entire file.

    completeMulti env vault mp mu = do
        uploadId <- case mu ^. imursUploadId of
                        Nothing     -> throw MissingUploadID
                        Just uid    -> return uid

        let cmu = completeMultipartUpload accountId vault uploadId
                    & cmuArchiveSize .~ (Just $ cs $ show $ mp ^. multipartArchiveSize)
                    & cmuChecksum    .~ (Just $ cs $ mp ^. multipartFullHash)

        send' env cmu

Notes Link to heading

In each of these functions I used a helper for sending the request:

    send' env x = liftIO $ runResourceT . runAWST env $ send x

I run the main block of work in a KatipContextT since I am using katip for structured logging. Adding new key-value info to the log context is accomplished using katipAddContext.

    go vault' path = do
        $(logTM) InfoS "Startup."

        let vault = cs vault'

        let myPartSize = 128*oneMb

        mp  <- liftIO $ mkMultiPart path myPartSize

        env <- liftIO $ newEnv'
        mu  <- liftIO $ initiateMulti env vault myPartSize

        let uploadId = fromMaybe (error "No UploadId in response, can't continue multipart upload.")
                     $ mu ^. imursUploadId

        partResponses <- forM (mp ^. multiParts) $ \p ->
            katipAddContext (sl "uploadId" uploadId) $
            katipAddContext (sl "location" $ fromMaybe "(nothing)" $ mu ^. imursLocation) $ do
                doWithRetries 10 (uploadOnePart env vault mu p)

        case lefts partResponses of
            []   -> do $(logTM) InfoS "All parts uploaded successfully, now completing the multipart upload."
                       catch (do completeResponse <- completeMulti env vault mp mu
                                 katipAddContext (sl "uploadId" uploadId)                             $
                                  katipAddContext (sl "archiveId" $ completeResponse ^. acoArchiveId) $
                                   katipAddContext (sl "checksum" $ completeResponse ^. acoChecksum ) $
                                    katipAddContext (sl "location" $ completeResponse ^. acoLocation) $ do
                                      $(logTM) InfoS "Done"
                                      liftIO exitSuccess)
                             (\e -> do logServiceError "Failed to complete multipart upload." e
                                       $(logTM) ErrorS "Failed."
                                       liftIO exitFailure)

            errs -> do forM_ errs (logServiceError "Failed part upload.")
                       $(logTM) ErrorS "Too many part errors."
                       liftIO exitFailure

    logServiceError msg (ServiceError e)
        = let smsg :: Text
              smsg = toText $ fromMaybe "" $ e ^. serviceMessage

              scode :: Text
              scode = toText $ e ^. serviceCode

            in katipAddContext (sl "serviceMessage" smsg) $
                katipAddContext (sl "serviceCode" scode)  $
                 (headersAsContext $ e ^. serviceHeaders) $
                   $(logTM) ErrorS msg

    logServiceError msg (TransportError e)
        = let txt :: Text
              txt = toText $ show e
            in katipAddContext (sl "TransportError" txt) $
                $(logTM) ErrorS msg

    logServiceError msg (SerializeError e)
        = let txt :: Text
              txt = toText $ show e
            in katipAddContext (sl "SerializeError" txt) $
                $(logTM) ErrorS msg

I found it handy to write this little helper function to turn each header from an amazonka ServiceError into a Katip context key/value pair:

    headersAsContext :: KatipContext m => [Header] -> m a -> m a
    headersAsContext hs = foldl (.) id $ map headerToContext hs
        headerToContext :: KatipContext m => Header -> m a -> m a
        headerToContext (h, x) = let h' = cs $ CI.original h :: Text
                                     x' = cs x               :: Text
                                   in katipAddContext (sl h' x')

Katip can write to ElasticSearch using katip-elasticsearch. Then you’d be able to search for errors on specific header fields, etc.

Sample run Link to heading

$ glacier-push-exe basement myfile
[2017-08-30 12:44:47][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][main:Main app/Main.hs:300:7] Startup.
[2017-08-30 12:44:50][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][location:/998720554704/vaults/basement/multipart-uploads/vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][partEnd:134217727][partStart:0][uploadId:vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][main:Main app/Main.hs:213:15] Uploading part.
[2017-08-30 12:45:45][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][location:/998720554704/vaults/basement/multipart-uploads/vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][partEnd:268435455][partStart:134217728][uploadId:vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][main:Main app/Main.hs:213:15] Uploading part.
[2017-08-30 12:46:37][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][location:/998720554704/vaults/basement/multipart-uploads/vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][partEnd:293601279][partStart:268435456][uploadId:vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][main:Main app/Main.hs:213:15] Uploading part.
[2017-08-30 12:46:55][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][main:Main app/Main.hs:320:22] All parts uploaded successfully, now completing the multipart upload.
[2017-08-30 12:46:57][glacier-push.main][Info][x4][1724][ThreadId 7][archiveId:bImG6jM0eQGNC7kIJTsC_wtcAXdPDUtJ-NyfstrkxeyTtXC_iEgkvenH-h_eQH-LYbhVKWJM7WuZlb7OHKtgKJNEpOtVaqxEhlNRTHphUtLCurcHAQDHKkiTnIXTpFxgPgvP9Q0axA][checksum:4f08645d8f3705dc222eef7547591c400362806abb7a6298b9267ebf2be7d901][location:/998720554704/vaults/basement/archives/bImG6jM0eQGNC7kIJTsC_wtcAXdPDUtJ-NyfstrkxeyTtXC_iEgkvenH-h_eQH-LYbhVKWJM7WuZlb7OHKtgKJNEpOtVaqxEhlNRTHphUtLCurcHAQDHKkiTnIXTpFxgPgvP9Q0axA][uploadId:vZMCGNsLGhfTJ_hJ-CJ_OF_juCAY1IaZDl_A3YqOZXnuQRH_AtPiMaUE-K1JDew-ZwiIuDZgR3QbjsJIEfWtGeMNeKDs][main:Main app/Main.hs:326:37] Done

The lines are pretty long (as they are intended for consumption into ElasticSearch, not human parsing) so here is one with line breaks:

[2017-08-30 12:45:45]
 [ThreadId 7]
 [main:Main app/Main.hs:213:15] Uploading part.

Checking out and compiling Link to heading

Use Stack. Then:

$ git clone
$ cd glacier-push
$ stack build

To browse the source on github, have a look at: