Property based testing is a great way to improve code quality since it captures logical properties of your system. Instead of writing test cases by hand, you capture logical relationships and then let the test framework generate hundreds or thousands of examples for you.

For a general introduction to property based testing (language-independent), try this YOW! Night talk Property Based Testing Finding More Bugs with Less Effort by Charles O’Farrell.

QuickCheck provides a typeclass CoArbitrary for generating random functions. In this blog post we derive CoArbitrary in a standalone setting. For the real definition, see Test.QuickCheck. Source code for this post is here.

Some imports:

{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes   #-}

module Sample where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

First, a generator of type Gen a lets us use a random number generator to get a value of type a:

newtype Gen a = Gen
    { unGen :: StdGen -> a }

(The real Gen in QuickCheck is parameterised over the generator, but we don’t need that here. Also, the real Gen includes a size, which you can control using resize or scale).

The Arbitrary typeclass:

class Arbitrary a where
    arbitrary :: Gen a

Since False < True (there is an instance of Ord for Bool) we can use randomR to define arbitrary for Bool:

instance Arbitrary Bool where
    arbitrary = Gen $ \stdgen ->
      let (r, _) = randomR (False, True) stdgen in r

Here’s a first attempt at implementing Gen (Bool -> Bool), a generator for boolean functions:

genBoolFn0 :: Gen (Bool -> Bool)
genBoolFn0 = Gen $ \stdgen ->
  \a -> let (r, _) = randomR (False, True) stdgen in r

The type is right but it’s going to generate pretty boring functions since it doesn’t even use the a:

runBoolFnGen :: Gen (Bool -> Bool) -> IO ()
runBoolFnGen g = do
  fns  <- samples g

  forM_ fns  $ \f -> do
    putStrLn $ "True  => " ++ show (f True)
    putStrLn $ "False => " ++ show (f False)
    putStrLn ""

The functions are either const True or const False. Not useful.

ghci> runBoolFnGen genBoolFn0
True  => True
False => True

True  => False
False => False

True  => False
False => False

True  => True
False => True

True  => False
False => False

True  => True
False => True

True  => False
False => False

True  => False
False => False

True  => False
False => False

We need to split on the a somehow:

genBoolFn1 :: Gen (Bool -> Bool)
genBoolFn1 = Gen $ \stdgen -> \a -> case a of
  True  -> let (r, _) = randomR (False, True) stdgen in r
  False -> let (r, _) = randomR (False, True) stdgen in r

This isn’t any better. The other thing we can change is the generator. Fortunately, StdGen is an instance of RandomGen, so we have the split function:

-- The split operation allows one to obtain two
-- distinct random number generators. This is
-- very useful in functional programs (for example,
-- when passing a random number generator down to
-- recursive calls), but very little work has been done
-- on statistically robust implementations of split
-- ([System.Random, System.Random] are the only
-- examples we know of).

split :: StdGen -> (StdGen, StdGen)
split = ...

Taking advantage of laziness, we can use split to write a pure function that gives us an infinite sequence of statistically distinct generators:

splitGenerator :: RandomGen a => a -> [a]
splitGenerator r = r0 : splitGenerator r1
    (r0, r1) = split r

This is exactly what we need to permute the generator in genBoolFn1. Let’s map True to the generator at index 0 and False to to the generator at index 1:

genBoolFn2 :: Gen (Bool -> Bool)
genBoolFn2 = Gen $ \stdgen -> \a -> case a of
  True  -> let (r, _) = randomR
                          (False, True)
                          (splitGenerator stdgen !! 0)
            in r
  False -> let (r, _) = randomR
                          (False, True)
                          (splitGenerator stdgen !! 1)
            in r

Now the random functions look more random:

ghci> runBoolFnGen genBoolFn2
True  => False
False => True

True  => True
False => False

True  => False
False => True

True  => True
False => False

True  => True
False => True

True  => True
False => False

True  => True
False => True

True  => False
False => False

True  => False
False => True

So, what about random integer functions Int -> Int? We need to map any integer to one of the split generators, in other words we need a mapping $\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb Z_{\ge 0}$. Send the non-negative integers to the non-negative even integers, and the negative integers to the positive odd integers:

$$ n \rightarrow \begin{cases} 2n & \mbox{if } n \geq 0 \\ 2(-n) + 1 & \mbox{if } n < 0 \end{cases} $$

In Haskell this looks like:

\n -> variant $ if n >= 0 then 2*n else 2*(-n) + 1


variant :: Int -> Gen b -> Gen b
variant v (Gen g) = Gen $ \r -> g $ splitGenerator r !! (v+1)

Capture this with a typeclass:

class CoArbitrary a where
    coarbitrary :: a -> Gen b -> Gen b

instance CoArbitrary Bool where
  coarbitrary False = variant 0
  coarbitrary True  = variant 1

instance CoArbitrary Int where
    coarbitrary n = variant $ if n >= 0 then 2*n else 2*(-n) + 1

With some experimentation we can extend the CoArbitrary definitions to lists and tuples:

instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary [a] where
  coarbitrary []     = variant 0
  coarbitrary (x:xs) = variant 1 . coarbitrary (x, xs)

instance (CoArbitrary a, CoArbitrary b) => CoArbitrary (a, b) where
  coarbitrary (x, y) = coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y

In general, if we have CoArbitrary a and Arbitrary b then we can derive Arbitrary (a -> b):

instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a -> b) where
    arbitrary = promote (\a -> coarbitrary a arbitrary)

promote :: (a -> Gen b) -> (Gen (a->b))
promote f = Gen $ \r ->
  \a -> let Gen h = f a
         in h r

Here are more examples of random functions:

runGenFn :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Show a, Show b)
         => Gen (a -> b)
         -> [a]
         -> IO ()
runGenFn g as = do
  fns  <- samples g

  forM_ fns  $ \f -> do
    forM_ as $ \a -> putStrLn $ show a ++ " => "
                                       ++ show (f a)
    putStrLn ""

Running in ghci:

ghci> runGenFn (arbitrary :: Gen (Int -> Int)) [0, 1, 2]
0 => 198
1 => 940
2 => -200

0 => 734
1 => -627
2 => 6

0 => 965
1 => 581
2 => -585

0 => -306
1 => -918
2 => 678

0 => -929
1 => 336
2 => -696

0 => -66
1 => 123
2 => 875

0 => -234
1 => -673
2 => 216

0 => 355
1 => 56
2 => -615

0 => 278
1 => 116
2 => 967

ghci> runGenFn (arbitrary :: Gen (Int -> Bool)) [0, 1, 2]
0 => False
1 => True
2 => False

0 => True
1 => False
2 => True

0 => True
1 => False
2 => False

0 => True
1 => False
2 => False

0 => True
1 => True
2 => True

0 => True
1 => True
2 => False

0 => False
1 => True
2 => False

0 => True
1 => True
2 => False

0 => True
1 => True
2 => True

ghci> runGenFn (arbitrary :: Gen ([Int] -> [Int])) [[42], [0, 1, 2]]
[42] => [-93,-540,-715,-557,-249]
[0,1,2] => [433,97,665,554,-690,635]

[42] => [-785,174,-676,-662,-549]
[0,1,2] => [-735,-328,226,-524,423]

[42] => [157,976,-774]
[0,1,2] => [-197,608,-520,-37,-689]

[42] => [-684]
[0,1,2] => [902,-138,-33,689,-774,-713,474,-638]

[42] => [-782,540,649,320,-326,92,896,-76]
[0,1,2] => [156]

[42] => [524,137]
[0,1,2] => [642,-763,771,-400,825,71,895,586,252,37]

[42] => [641,-304,-890,-375,449,-608,662,546,-740,-406]
[0,1,2] => [-632,-685,-232,202,-994,666,-121]

[42] => [200,599,-844]
[0,1,2] => [-554,149,370,547,-755,-706,131]

[42] => [-898,645,-472]
[0,1,2] => [-77]

Appendix Link to heading

To get the code above to work we need instances for Monad, Functor, and Applicative. These are all lifted from Test.QuickCheck.

instance Monad Gen where
    return :: a -> Gen a
    return a = Gen $ \_ -> a

    (>>=) :: Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b

    (Gen g) >>= f = Gen $ \r ->
       let (r1, r2) = split r
           Gen k = f $ g r1
        in k r2

instance Functor Gen where
    fmap f (Gen h) = Gen $ \r -> f (h r)

instance Applicative Gen where
    pure x = Gen $ \_ -> x

    f <*> x = do
        f' <- f
        x' <- x
        return $ f' x'

generate :: Gen a -> IO a
generate (Gen g) = do
    stdgen <- getStdGen
    return $ g stdgen

Use sequence to get a few samples. Note that this relies on the Applicative instance’s definition of <*> to get a new standard number generator each time it is used, which in turn uses the Monad instance’s definition which uses split.

samples :: Gen a -> IO [a]
samples g = generate $ sequence [g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g]

instance Arbitrary Int where
  arbitrary = Gen $ \stdgen ->
    let (r, _) = randomR (-1000, 1000) stdgen in r

choose :: Random a => (a,a) -> Gen a
choose range = Gen $ \stdgen ->
  let (r, _) = randomR range stdgen in r

vectorOf :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf = replicateM

listOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf g = do
  k <- choose (1, 10)
  vectorOf k g

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a] where
  arbitrary = listOf arbitrary